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Chanceller  Vice-Chanceller
"To be in the forefront of higher education and to give the Country the high calibre manpower"
  • Providing collegiate education up to post doctoral programs
  • To ensure high standard of behaviour and discipline amongst our student community.
  • To Produce Medical Professionals who are concerned with determinates of disease, disability and premature death and the organization of appropriate health services including Health Education and policy.
  • To create a climate of joyful learning.
  • To serve in particular the poor and minority population irrespective of caste and creed, who suffer disproportionately from illness and disability.
  • To impart skills in students which will make them successful in their endeavours.
  • To provide meaningful industrial education, research and training at all levels.
  • To offer a wide range and flexibility of options especially in the areas of non-formal and continuing education.
  • To set a high standard of professional conduct and ethics for staff and students