Branding is an inevitable part of marketing generates the trust factor among customers. Logo is one segment in branding which adhere with human mind for the services and product. If we see the market around us there are logos that can be identified by millions in a glance, which is the one every brand management mesmerizing for. Logo branding is an art of making our customer understand and access our product/ services in ease.

logo brand
There are lots of things to be governed while designing the logo and will get the answer for it through basics information-gathering principle of “6 Ws ”- “who”, “what”, “when”, “where”, “why” and “How”.
• Presentation: There must be a clear vision when and where it can be used whether it is in website, covering letter, video, hoarding and so on.
• Simple: We must stick with simplicity. If the logo is overcrowded with detailed design it generates problem while scaling it to different sizes. And the stickiness factor of it deteriorates.
• Advertising: Since it is a part of branding, design with the intension of small Ad of your company.
• Language: Come up with short, sweet and catchy line to communicate their message.
• Entity: Some of the entities we need to work properly are Typography, Style, and Colors.
• Selection of Colors: Analyze the logo colours suitable for various business templates so that it won’t conflict with future plans of organization. Preferable to adopt industry standard logos. Some are : – white stands for pure and simple in fashion, black used for powerful, sophisticated and youth marketing, Red for getting enthusiasm, attention and so on.
• Time: Style must withstand radical changes in trend and useful for years.
• Flexibility: Keep fixed pattern for the design, keep provision for change in texture around the logo.
• Recognition: Your stickiness factor for brand will come up once we promote/ use it regularly with our product. Our Brand must stick with people’s mind; they should come recognize it immediately after seeing it.
• Formats: After finalizing the logo make it into 3 formats:- EPS for printing, JPG and GIF for your website.
There are millions of logos in the market, but a few converts to brand. Organization which involves must have a deeper knowledge and capable to create impact on logos. So whenever you use the logo don’t change the depth of it but keep it highly prolific. Hence controlled and confident branding strategies help to penetrate the message to your target audience.